What is it?

Inspiration for WALT Art comes from the WALTA physics project. Extremely high energy particles enter our atmosphere and collide with other particles, spawning clusters of energized daughter particles. The particles are presumed to be billions of years old and perhaps are generated when a galaxy collapses.

The collision events are rare and the particles so highly energized they inspire investigation. To study particles penetrating our atmosphere, researchers use lucite which has been coated with material that "scintillates" when it is hit by a particle of energy.

We are creating an interactive art installation illustrating the randomness and size of the events -- including art pieces based on the luminous properties of the scintillating lucite. We'll play with light and time to create an environment which makes the viewer want to know more.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hit Detection

Yuri working on a sculpture.Imagine the energy of a baseball thrown by a Major-League pitcher.

Imagine getting hit by one.

Now imagine that energy concentrated in a particle that is 10 trillion times smaller than a baseball, moving at nearly the speed of light. Imagine getting hit by one.
Imagine detecting one.

No one knows what creates these ultra-high energy cosmic rays; no one knows where they come from. But, there are some possibilities:

1. An ultra-massive star, thousands of times bigger than our sun.

Such a star can destroy itself in seconds, ripping itself to shreds in a frenzy of superheated annihilation. In the fury of this solar suicide, there may be enough power to create ultra-high energy cosmic rays.

Girder segments we'll use to hang some of the installation.

2. A black hole.

At the center of our galaxy--at the center of most galaxies--lies a supermassive black hole: once a star, its gravity was so powerful that the body of the star collapsed in on itself, folding space into an infinitely small point, and so the star vanishes to nothing--but its gravity well remains. When anything falls into the black hole, the infalling object is ripped apart by the incalculable tidal forces. Energy, energy, and more energy pours out of the place where the particles are destroyed; some of this energy may become cosmic rays.

The lucite strips I'm assembling into a sculpture.

3. Space is vast. The distances between galaxies is vast. And yet, galaxies can, and do collide. And when they do… Galaxies contain a hundred billion stars; they are a hundred thousand light-years side-to-side. When they collide…

When an ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) is created, it can go in an direction. Any at all. Somehow, occasionally, one heads our direction. More correctly, it heads for the place we will be, eight billion years later.

- Kevin Wheelock

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